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Learn about me and!

09 | 25th Dec 2024

It really feels weird spending my Christmas Eve writing a blog post rather than spending the night sleeping, but I guess I'm just that dedicated to my website.

...either that or perhaps Christmas has lost its magic now that I'm older (and I haven't "asked Santa for new computer parts to migrate from a crappy pre-built".. (see: blog post #1)). All I want is new clothes so I can look cool. And a water purifier.

Regardless, the gift of giving has been hitting me hard this year, so I've decided to give back to my visitors in the cheapest way I know how: lore!

Before, I've always wanted to have a personal website. Having your own "private" spot on the internet feels awesome and I wanted a piece, so I decided to work for it.

You can see the history of this website, along with other design ideas that could've taken its place, on the new and improved about page. What was once a placeholder for god-knows-what is now a beautiful two-tabbed page full of information about how came to be!

Not only that, but I've also included some information about myself. Learn about where the name "fridge" came from (and no, it's not my real name. That would be awesome though), where I'm from, what I do and what I like. All for free! Just click on the "about" link at the top of any page.

Seriously, even if you don't care, click on it. I'm proud of my tabbed page design and want to show it off.

New homepage..?

How it was meant to be!

If you've looked at the homepage, you'll notice that it's changed a bit.

As in, it's completely empty.

Other than the picture, I've always wanted the homepage to have very little on it, and now that the about page is suitable for containing all that was once on the homepage, I can move everything there and keep my home clean.

The credits have also been moved to the bottom of the about page, you'll see it regardless of what tab you're on.

Maybe it'll have something else on it someday........ by the way, the about page isn't in its final form. I'll likely change the contents of the "about me" tab as its information becomes out-of-date with the passage of time. I'll likely not announce any changes, so... if you notice, you're a #TrueFan. OnlyFans release?

Oh yeah, and you can access it at any time now by clicking on the massive "fridge" text. Forgot to make it accessible via navigation. oops


...and conclusion

I hope the diehard fans appreciate the new content. I'd like to say I've been working on it for a while, but it's been about 6 hours in total. I'm just that good.

I hope you all have a great Christmas and I hope the new year is awesome. I'll likely push more blog posts out next year, so that's your gift from me. You're welcome. Goodnight.